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ECM-Migration-WhitepaperPlanning your ECM migration is just as important as selecting and implementing a new ECM system. It’s not something you hastily add to the end of an ECM roll out. You need to plan your transition just as you plan your ECM architecture and implementation or risk failure of the entire project. In addition, for many companies, the migration step has involved a lengthy process of weeks, months, or even years without clarity on where documents might reside at any point in time or the ability to use those documents – something that many companies simply can’t accept… and so a decision to switch ECM technologies is postponed.

At Zia Consulting, we have developed a strategy and framework called ActiveMigrate™ that companies can use for their ECM migration projects. Comprised of seven steps, our effective approach is based on 10+ years of migration experience and countless migration projects. These steps will help you define your business drivers, break down your project into critical components, and ensure that you can continue to utilize your documents throughout the migration process.


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