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Insurers are in a constant race to stay ahead of the competition, find ways to reduce costs, and still increase throughput while keeping customers happy. While it may seem like a daunting task to do more with less, it is possible if you leverage the right technologies.  

Two leading technologies are the Insurance Document Automation Solution from Zia Consulting and VirtualViewer® HTML5 from Snowbound. When combined, they provide what you need to cross the finish line ahead of the rest.

During our recent webinar, JB Ronfard from Snowbound discussed ways to speed up your claims process. With VirtualViewer there are no third-party downloads so remote workers, partners, can operate where they are. Page on Demand means you can load just the content you need rather than downloading the entire document. Hundreds of file formats means you can view what you need regardless of the type and without downloading special viewers. This allows you to expedite claims internally and externally.

Compliance efforts are simpler with universal access to all content without any client downloads, there is an audit trail of workflow history, and original documents are intact while redacting sensitive information when needed. Learn more during this short demo video.

Companies can continue to grow their business through a scalable solution that reduces overhead and delivers an increased ROI. This was shown through two case studies. The first featured one of the world’s leading mortgage lenders who receives hundreds of millions of new loans daily. Through VirtualViewer from Snowbound, they were able to improve their mortgage processing time by more than 50%.

The second case study discussed Baldwin & Lyons and their mailroom automation. By implementing Ephesoft for classification and extraction, Alfresco as their single content repository, and Snowbound for viewing and collaborating, they have reduced mailroom processing time from two days to 15 minutes. Read more in our case study.

Watch the recording or view the slides. Or, to learn more about how we can streamline your content management to save you time and money, contact us today.

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