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Uncovering Zia’s CMIS UiPath Activities

Uncovering Zia’s CMIS UiPath Activities

The following UiPath activities are used to automate ECM repositories. This package can import and export specified documents to and from a connected repository. Custom properties can be added to documents imported from either local files or pre-existing documents...
How Robotic Process Automation Works: An Intro to UiPath

How Robotic Process Automation Works: An Intro to UiPath

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is driving digital transformation by providing businesses with a solution to business process automation. What is RPA?  UiPath, our technology partner in the RPA space, defines Robotic Process Automation as “the technology that allows...
First Impressions: UiPath Academy Training

First Impressions: UiPath Academy Training

Are you entering the world of RPA? Want to easily build workflows? UiPath Academy has two main spaces where you’ll find the trainings are the Courses and Learning Paths tabs. The Courses tab has almost 100 different training courses available ranging from beginner to...

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