Improving Public Access to Research Results
Webinar Recording
Research and development spending, including federal funding, has reached record highs and will continue to rapidly grow. Last year, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) published a report on “Additional Actions Needed to Improve Public Access to Research Results.” This comes several years after the 2013 memorandum from the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) that directed federal agencies with more than $100 million to make published results of federally-funded research freely available. Agencies are still concerned about the administrative burden that comes with public access compliance.
Join Zia Consulting and ASG for this webinar on strategies for Improving Public Access to Research Results while measuring and enforcing governance and compliance. We’ll outline options for developing federated access to repositories and reducing storage and retrieval costs that add up over time. We’ll also address privacy and security variables.
– Public accessibility to digitally-formatted data
– Protecting confidentiality and personal privacy
– Minimizing costs associated with long-term preservation and access
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