The True Value of Hyperautomation for Insurance Companies
Solving Content Management Problems for Insurance CompaniesInsurance is a Promise. Insurance companies provide a contract outlining how much money a person pays in exchange for coverage when something unexpected happens. These premiums are structured to cover the cost of claims and contribute to overall profitability of the business. To be profitable, companies strive for ongoing growth and differentiation in the market. Since offerings are often commoditized, this differentiation has to come from providing an easy and seamless customer experience that allows the customer to focus on the crisis they’ve experienced.
Hyperautomation accelerates the onboard process by using self service portals and mobile apps, and improving One Call Resolution Rates – helping customers immediately without having to transfer them to another department or call them back.
Engaging with Zia to automate repetitive and tedious manual tasks saves time, speeds up the process, and reduces the likelihood of error throughout every stage.
Learn about hyperautomation in the insurance industry.
Learn how automating processes can deliver measurable business results, including enhanced profitability and improved customer satisfaction.
Customer Results
Automated underwriting results in a
59% reduction
in policy cost, 74% reduction in wait time for policies, and 37% increase in sales
87% of policyholders
say the claims experience directly impacts their decision to remain with their insurance provider.
The True Value of Hyperautomation

Insurance Document Automation Problems We Solve
Document delays, slow follow up, and human errors
Ensure fields are filled out correctly and signed with Intelligent Document Capture. A workflow pushes documents that are Not in Good Order (NIGO) back to the customer for revisions before they are reviewed by a human.
Long Approval Processes
Automate approvals, denials, and underwriting with straight through processing.
Outdated legacy mainframe applications
Switch to a rock-solid, user friendly application that allows bots to interact with the system on your behalf.
Loss of Revenue
Automate Audit & Analytics Services (AAS) with checks and balances that ensure accuracy and connect to various systems of record to make billing and claims amounts accurate.
Misuse of Resources
Create an automated self service portal that improves the customer experience, speeds up turnaround times, and empowers customers to be part of the solution.
Distributed Infrastructure
Use the cloud to enable the type of compute power needed to fully understand and make use of the incredibly large data sets.
Learn how Zia can help you implement an ECM that’s both easy and secure.
Which Insurance Types
Benefit from Content Management
Life, Disability, and Annuities:
Cover costs for death, disability, and retirement for individuals or employer groups.
Covers costs related to home, auto, and commercial properties.
Farm Insurance:
Covers costs related to incidents or accidents that take place on a farm.
Why Work With Zia?
Zia solutions integrate with your existing tools and core insurance systems to increase productivity, accelerate user adoption, and enhance governance.
Specific features:

Intelligent capture for classification and extraction

Handwriting recognition

Single content repository

Advanced business process management

Automated records management

Integration with LOB applications
Insurance Assets

Hyperautomation for the Insurance Industry
Zia Consulting is a systems integrator of content management, process management, document capture, and cloud sharing technologies. They are highly focused on helping businesses better manage, process, and secure documents with enterprise automation, federation, integration…

How Insurance Companies Maximize and Protect Margins with Audit & Analytics Services
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Digitally Transform InsurTech: Growth in a Highly Commoditized Insurance Market
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